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Procedural Guidelines for Handling Elder Abuse Cases (Revised 2021)

To unify the definition and equip various professionals with clear procedural guidelines on handling suspected elder abuse cases, SWD has published 'Procedural Guidelines for Handling Elder Abuse Cases' ('Procedural Guidelines'), which aim to provide reference materials and procedures for different organisations and personnel in handling suspected elder abuse cases. The 'Procedural Guidelines' have been updated in 2021and can be downloaded here:

Item / Name Download File
Procedural Guidelines for Handling Elder Abuse Cases (Revised 2021) PDF / Word

The Domestic Violence Ordinance (Cap. 189) has been amended as 'Domestic and Cohabitation Relationships Violence Ordinance' (Cap. 189) with effect from 1 January 2010. The abused elders may also apply under the Domestic and Cohabitation Relationships Violence Ordinance (Chapter 189) to the court for an injunction order against molestation by their spouses, children or other relatives as specified in that Ordinance.

Online Submission

Authorised personnel of recognised referring offices and non-governmental organisations could apply for registries submission in relation to social welfare services through "The Client Information System (CIS) Online Submission" of SWD.
