Child Care Centre (CCC) Service
Type of Services
- Child Care Centre (CCC) Service [including standalone CCCs and CCCs attached to Kindergartens (KGs)]
To provide day care service to the children aged from birth to under 3. - Occasional Child Care Service (OCCS)
To provide OCCS on full-day, half-day or two-hour sessional basis at some standalone CCCs and KG-cum-CCCs for parents or carers with sudden engagements or various commitments. - Extended Hours Service (EHS)
To provide longer hours of child care assistance at some standalone CCCs and KG-cum-CCCs to meet the social needs of families and working parents. - Harmonisation
For details of Harmonisation, please visit the Education Bureau website: - All child care centres must be registered and regulated under the Child Care Services Ordinance and the Child Care Services Regulations. Details
Service Hours, Fees and Charges
Child Care Centre (CCC) Service [including standalone CCCs and CCCs attached to Kindergartens (KGs)]
- From 8:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. (Monday to Friday) and from 8:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. on Saturday.
- Service fees charged by standalone CCCs and CCCs attached to KGs have to be approved by Social Welfare Department and Joint Office for Kindergartens and Child Care Centres of the Education Bureau respectively.
- Child Care Centre Parent Subsidy (CCCPS)
Parents with children receiving full-day aided CCC service can apply for CCCPS through their aided CCCs. Financial assessment is not required. - Kindergarten and Child Care Centre Fee Remission Scheme (KCFRS)
Children from low income families receiving full-day child care service can apply for KCFRS to cover part or whole of service fee from the Student Finance Office of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA)
The Applicants may obtain application forms, guidance notes and the related application documents from the CCCs in which their children are studying / receiving care services and submit to WFSFAA for processing. For detailed information of KCFRS, please visit WFSFAA website:
Occasional Child Care Service (OCCS)
- From 8:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. (Monday to Friday) and from 8:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. on Saturday.
- $64 for a full-day session, $32 for a half-day session, $16 for a two-hour session, excluding meal charge.
Extended Hours Service (EHS)
- From 6:00p.m. to 7:00p.m. or 8:00p.m. (Monday to Friday) and from 1:00p.m. to 2:00p.m. / 3:00p.m. / 8:00p.m. on Saturday. (Individual centres may vary their service hours depending on the service demand)
- Hourly rate is charged at $13.
Enquiry and Application
Direct enquiries and applications for child care services at the preferred Centres.
Information of Service Unit
List of aided and private / non-profit making standalone CCCs, the fee charged and ancillary services provided including subvented and non-subvented occasional child care service and extended hours service:
Item / Name | Download File / Link |
List of aided and private / non-profit making standalone CCCs and telephone numbers | PDF / Excel |
Location map of aided standalone CCCs | Map |
Location map of private / non-profit making standalone CCCs | Map |
List of kindergarten-cum-child care centres (KG-cum-CCCs) provided by the Joint Office for Kindergartens and Child Care Centres of the Education Bureau, the fee charged and ancillary services provided including subvented and non-subvented occasional child care service and extended hours service:
Item / Name | Download File / Link |
List of KG-cum-CCCs and telephone numbers | PDF / Excel |
Location map of aided CCCs attached to KGs | Map |
List of aided standalone CCCs and aided CCCs attached to KGs available for CCCPS application:
Item / Name | Download File / Link |
List of aided standalone CCCs and aided CCCs attached to KGs available for CCCPS application and telephone numbers | PDF/Excel |
Location map of aided standalone CCCs and aided CCCs attached to KGs available for CCCPS application | Map |
List of CCCs and KG-cum-CCCs providing subvented OCCS and EHS:
Item / Name | Download File / Link |
List of service units providing subvented OCCS, EHS and telephone numbers | PDF/Excel |
Location map of service units providing subvented OCCS | Map |
Location map of service units providing subvented EHS | Map |