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Residential Respite Service


A form of temporary or short-term residential care service for persons with disabilities. It serves the objective of providing temporary relief for family members or relatives who are the main caregivers of persons with disabilities requiring a certain degree of personal care whilist residing in the community. It aims at encouraging and helping persons with disabilities to continue living in the community for as long as possible.

Eligibility for the Service

  • persons with intellectual or physical disability or in mental recovery;
  • aged 6 or above (individual service units will only admit persons with disabilities aged 15 or above);
  • physically and mentally suitable for communal living and not suffering from behavioural problems or contagious disease; and
  • in need of a certain level of personal / nursing care not beyond the level provided by the particular type of residential service.

Service Provision

  • subject to the vacancy available in individual service unit, the service period should be no more than 14 consecutive days in general;
  • the service can be utilized repeatedly; and
  • the service unit concerned may have the discretion to extend the service provision in exceptional cases.

Application Procedures

  • Application can be made by parents/carers themselves directly or via social workers of Medical Social Service units, Integrated Family Services Centres, special schools or rehabilitation service units to the service units operating the residential respite service; and 
  • Applicants should complete a "Declaration Form on Health Conditions for Admission to Residential Respite Service" and observe the Code of Practice for Residential Care Homes (Persons with Disabilities) including conduct a medical examination by a registered medical practitioner prior to admission to an RCHD, using the “Medical Examination Form for Residents in Residential Care Homes for Persons with Disabilities”. For urgent or special cases that medical examinations cannot be conducted prior to admission, medical examination shall still be conducted within 3 calendar days after admission to RCHD.
  • For persons with disabilities or their families in urgent need of Residential Respite Service for the persons with disabilities during non-office hours, they may directly approach the service operator of private residential care homes for the persons with disabilities under the Bought Place Scheme (BPS) providing residential respite service for assistance.  Non-office hours are (i) Monday to Saturday, from 5pm to 9am of the following day, and (ii) Sunday and Public Holidays, from 9am to 9am of the following day. 
  • Click the link to "Vacancy Enquiry System for Respite Services / Emergency Placement", for the vacancy information of Designated Residential Respite Places in subvented residential care homes for persons with disabilities and private homes participating in BPS.  For any enquiry, please contact SWD Hotline at 2343 2255.

Fees and Charges

Service charges are calculated on a daily basis. The general fee charging rates of the service are:

 Existing daily charge for service users receiving Disability Allowance (Note 1)Existing daily charge for service users not receiving Disability Allowance (Note 1)
Hostel for Moderately Mentally Handicapped Persons (HMMH) 
Private RCHDs under BPS (providing Medium Level of Care)
Hostel for Severely Mentally Handicapped Persons (HSMH) Hostel for Severely Physically Handicapped Persons (HSPH) Hostel for Severely Physically Handicapped Persons with Mental Handicap (HSPH/MH) Care and Attention Home for Severely Disabled Persons (C&A/SD) 
Private RCHDs under BPS (providing High Level of Care)
Supported Hostel$33$30

Note 1: With the prior approval from the SWD, individual service units may charge higher rates under individual circumstances.

Information of Service Unit

Item / TitleDownload File
Subvented RCHDsPDFWord
Private RCHDs under BPSPDFWord
Information of Designated Day / Residential Respite Service under BPS for Private RCHDsPDF
Operational Guideline on Residential Respite Service for Persons with DisabilitiesPDF

Click the link to SWD Vacancy Enquiry System for Respite Services / Emergency Placement for the availability of Residential Respite Place Provided by Designated Vacancy.
