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Bahasa Indonesia

Welfare Information in Bahasa Indonesia ( Informasi Kesejahteraan )

social_securitySocial Security ( Jaminan Sosial ) 

Service LeafletSelebaran LayananDownload File ( File )
A Brief of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance SchemeSkema Jaring
Pengaman Sosial (CSSA)
A Brief of the Social Security Allowance Scheme Program Tunjangan Jaminan SosialPDF
A Brief of the Guangdong Scheme and Fujian SchemeProgram Guangdong dan Program FujianPDF
Pamphlet on the Support for Self-reliance SchemePamphlet on the Support for Self-reliance SchemePDF
Criminal and Law Enforcement Injuries Compensation Scheme LeafletCriminal and Law Enforcement Injuries Compensation Scheme LeafletPDF
Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Scheme LeafletTraffic Accident Victims Assistance Scheme LeafletPDF
Emergency Relief Fund LeafletEmergency Relief Fund LeafletPDF
A Guide to Social Security AppealsA Guide to Social Security AppealsPDF

familyFamily & Child Welfare Services ( Layanan Kesejahteraan Keluarga dan Anak ) 

Service LeafletSelebaran LayananDownload File ( File )
Outreaching Teams for Ethnic MinoritiesOutreaching Teams for Ethnic MinoritiesPDF
Pamphlet on Integrated Family Service CentrePamphlet on Integrated Family Service CentrePDF
Considering AdoptionConsidering AdoptionPDF
Welcome to Foster CareWelcome to Foster CarePDF
Suicide Prevention Services Kesulitan bukan akhir segalanya,
tapi bunuh diri itulah akhir segalanya
PDF / Word
Day Child Care ServicesLayanan Penitipan AnakPDF
Social Work Service for Pre-primary Institutions Layanan Pekerjaan Sosial untuk Lembaga Pra-sekolah DasarPDF
Stop Domestic Violence:
Support Services for Victims of Spouse / Cohabitant Battering
Hentikan Kekerasan Rumah Tangga: Layanan Bantuan untuk Korban Pemukulan Pasangan/Orang yang Tinggal SeatapPDF
  • Safety Card  
Kartu KeselamatanPDF
Seek Help Early and Stop Domestic Violence:
Services for Battered Male Victims 
Seek Help Early and Stop Domestic ViolencePDF
Services for Victims of Sexual ViolenceServices for Victims of Sexual ViolencePDF
Family and Child Protective Services UnitPDF
Child Protection - We All Have a DutyChild Protection - We All Have a DutyPDF
Leaflet on Multi-disciplinary Case Conference on Protection of Child with Suspected Maltreatment – Notes to Children and AdolescentsKonferensi Kasus Multidisiplin
tentang Perlindungan Anak dengan Dugaan Penganiayaan
– Catatan Kepada Anak-anak dan Remaja
Leaflet on Multi-disciplinary Case Conference on Protection of Child with Suspected Maltreatment – Notes to ParentsPenyelidikan Perlindungan Anak dan 
Konferensi Kasus Multidisiplin 
tentang Perlindungan Anak dengan Dugaan Penganiayaan
– Catatan Bagi Para Orangtua
Support Programme for Enhancing Peaceable Relationship (SPeaR)SPeaRPDF
Specialised Co-parenting Support CentresSpecialised Co-parenting Support CentresPDF
Having an Unplanned Pregnancy, what Can I do?Having an Unplanned Pregnancy, what Can I doPDF
Social Welfare Department Hotline - Access to Instant Telephone Interpretation ServiceAccess to Instant Telephone Interpretation ServicePDF
Social Welfare Support Services for Street Sleepers Tunjangan Kesejahteraan Sosial bagi Kaum TunawismaPDF
Temporary Shelter / Hostel / Short-term HostelNaungan Sementara / Hostel / Hostel Jangka Pendek PDF
Short-term Food Assistance Service TeamsTim Layanan Bantuan Pangan Jangka PendekPDF

clinical_psychologicalClinical Psychological Services ( Layanan Psikologi Klinis ) 

Service LeafletSelebaran LayananDownload File ( File )
Clinical Psychological ServicesClinical Psychological ServicesPDF
Helping Children cope with traumatic eventsHelping Children cope with traumatic eventPDF
Critical Incident - Stress ManagementCritical Incident - Stress ManagementPDF
Post-traumatic Stress DisorderPost-traumatic Stress DisorderPDF
Separation and loss arising from traumatic events: Handing of loss and griefSeparation and loss arising from traumatic eventsPDF

medicalMedical Social Services ( Layanan Sosial Medis ) 

Service LeafletSelebaran LayananDownload File ( File )
Medical Social ServicesMedical Social ServicesPDF

rehabRehabilitation Services ( Layanan Rehabilitasi ) 

Service LeafletSelebaran LayananDownload File ( File )
Rehabilitation ServicesRehabilitation ServicesPDF
Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (ICCMW)ICCMWPDF
Parents / Relatives Resource Centre (PRC)PRCPDF

elderlyServices for the Elderly ( Layanan untuk para Manula ) 

Service LeafletSelebaran LayananDownload File ( File )
Elderly ServicesLayanan LansiaPDF
Subsidised Long Term Care ServicesLayanan Perawatan Jangka Panjang Bersubsidi bagi LansiaPDF
Standardised Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly ServicesMekanisme Penilaian Kebutuhan Perawatan
Terstandarisasi untuk Layanan Lansia
Protecting Elderly Persons Against AbuseMelindungi Lansia dari Perlakuan Tidak PantasPDF
District Elderly Community Centres (DECC)Pusat Komunitas Lansia DistrikPDF
Neighbourhood Elderly Centres (NEC)Pusat Lansia Wilayah SetempatPDF
Support Team for the Elderly (STE)Tim Bantuan bagi LansiaPDF
Scheme on Training for Foreign Domestic Helpers in Elderly CareSkema Pelatihan Penata Laksana Rumah Tangga Asing dalam Perawatan LansiaPDF
Home-based Community Care Services 
[Integrated Home Care Services (Frail Cases) / Enhanced Home and Community Care Services]
Layanan Perawatan Masyarakat Berbasis Panti
Layanan Perawatan Panti Terpadu (Kasus Orang Lanjut Usia Lemah) / 
Layanan Perawatan Panti dan Masyarakat yang Ditingkatkan
Day Care Centres / Units for the ElderlyLayanan Perawatan Masyarakat Berbasis Pusat
Pusat / Unit Penitipan Orang Lanjut Usia
Respite Services for Elderly PersonsLayanan Istirahat untuk Orang Lanjut UsiaPDF

youthServices for Young People ( Layanan untuk para Remaja ) 

Service LeafletSelebaran LayananDownload File ( File )
Overview on Youth Services, Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Services and Community Development Services in Hong KongTinjauan tentang Layanan Remaja, Perawatan Narkoba dan Layanan Rehabilitasi serta Layanan Pengembangan Masyarakat di Hong KongPDF
Brief Information on Community Support Service Scheme (CSSS)Skema Layanan Dukungan KomunitasPDF

offendersServices for Offenders ( Layanan untuk para Pelaku pelanggaran ) 

Service LeafletSelebaran LayananDownload File ( File )
Probation ServiceProbation ServicePDF
Community Service Orders (CSO) SchemeCSO SchemePDF
Post-Release Supervision of Prisoners SchemePost-Release Supervision of Prisoners SchemePDF
Young Offender Assessment PanelYoung Offender Assessment PanelPDF
Correctional / Residential Home Tuen Mun Children and Juvenile HomeCorrectional / Residential Home Tuen Mun Children and Juvenile HomePDF
Service for Ex-offenders and Discharged PrisonersService for Ex-offenders and Discharged PrisonersPDF
Residential Service for Young Probationers and High-Risk YouthResidential Service for Young Probationers and High-Risk YouthPDF

licensingLicensing and Regulation ( Perizinan dan Regulasi ) 

Service LeafletSelebaran LayananDownload File ( File )
Visiting Medical Practitioner Service For Residential Care HomesVisiting Medical Practitioner Service For Residential Care HomesPDF

Assistance and Interpretation Services for Ethnic Minorities ( by Departmental centres / units ) ( Bantuan dan Layanan Interpretasi untuk Etnis Minoritas ( oleh Pusat / Unit Departemen ) )rru

Item / NameSelebaran LayananDownload File ( File )
Notice to MinoritiesPemberitahuan bagi MinoritasPDF

Other Useful Information / Links ( Link / Informasi yang Berguna Lainnya )other

Item / NameSelebaran LayananDownload File / Link 
( File / Tautan )
Race Relations Unit, Home Affairs DepartmentUnit Hubungan Ras, Departemen Urusan Dalam NegeriLink
  • Programmes / Services for Ethnic Minorities
Program / Layanan untuk warga Etnik MinoritasLink
  • Support Service Centres for Ethnic Minorities
Pusat Layanan Dukungan untuk warga Etnik MinoritasLink
  • Publications
Equal Opportunities CommissionKomisi Persamaan KesempatanLink
Administrative Guidelines on Promotion of Racial EqualityPanduan Administratif mengenai Promosi Persamaan RasLink
  • Interpretation and Translation Services Arranged
LayananPenerjemah Lisan dan Tertulis DisusunPDF
Checklist of Measures - Social WelfareDaftar pemerikasaan dari Langkah-langkah – Kesejahteraan SosialPDF
